Mind Map of World. Concept Map of World, Brainstorm Map of World, What is World?, Definition of World, Outline of World, How is World related to World. The world
0Mind Map of World. Concept Map of World, Brainstorm Map of World, What is World?, Definition of World, Outline of World, How is World related to World. The world
Wikicontext is all about concepts and relations. Every entry can have upper relations and lower relations of 6 categories.
Branches of an academic field, Divisions of a company, Parts of an administration, Subdivisons of an umbrella term.
How someting is applied, Tools something or someone provides, uses or is related to.
Where something happend, To what Place, Spatial Dimension or something or someone belongs.
When something happend, To what Age, Epoche or temporal division something or someone belongs.
What People and Subjects influenced or were influenced by something or someone, To what subgroup of Individuals someone belongs.
What caused an event, individual, thing or concept, What are the effects of the being of this object or subject? Sources of something.